The shirt was made of hemp, linen or cotton cloth. It consisted of the front part and the back part (
stan) with a chest opening and collar, single or double wedges on both sides which connected and expanded the
stan and wide long sleeves fastened to it at the shoulders. As for the length they usually reached the shins and sometimes were even longer. The seams and the hem were embroidered with multi-coloured woollen yarn, silver thread, glitter or beads. the ornaments on the hem are called
provozi. The sleeves were adorned with embroidered ornaments and cotton tasseles with beads. Depending on the ornaments the shirts had different names:
tri šare (three ornaments),
rogonja (horns),
zmijanka (snakes),
zlatnica (gold) and
đurđevanka which was richly embroidered with a lot of glitter and was used as a wedding dress. Many garments had red and white cotton tasseles
(bućke) adorned with glitter and breads or lace.
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